Lime sugar water is provided by volunteers to residents of Karachi, Pakistan on May 23rd (Photo by AP/Fareed Kahn)
Lime sugar water is provided by volunteers to residents of Karachi, Pakistan on May 23rd (Photo by AP/Fareed Kahn)

Pakistani Protests amid Power Outages during Heatwaves

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In the midst of heat waves sweeping across Pakistan, protests have once again erupted after prolonged power outages in Karachi and Peshawar. The Pakistan-administered part of Kashmir was the scene of protests earlier in May against rising energy prices, leaving four people dead and 100 wounded. In addition, hundreds of former Prime Minister Imran Khan supporters protested in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, demanding new elections. Now, protestors are demanding an end to power outages across the nation. With temperatures around 120°F (50°C), demand has risen, power infrastructure has faltered, and hundreds of Pakistanis are suffering from heatstrokes.

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