Afghan families heading toward a border crossing in Torkham, Pakistan on October 31st, 2023 (Photo by Muhammad Sajjad/AP)
Afghan families heading toward a border crossing in Torkham, Pakistan on October 31st, 2023 (Photo by Muhammad Sajjad/AP)

Pakistan and Iran Deport Thousands of Afghans Amid UN Plea

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In the past 18 days, more than 18,000 Afghan migrants were deported from Pakistan and Iran through three of Afghanistan's border crossings. 14,500 migrants were deported from Iran and 4,000 from Pakistan, although just two days ago Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, asked the international community to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghan refugees originally displaced by the war. Pakistan halted its deportation of Afghan nationals on Tuesday, which began when Islamabad initiated the second phase of its highly controversial Illegal Foreigners Repatriation Plan earlier this month. Reportedly, the Taliban is assisting in the reintegration of these displaced migrants, of whom the UN estimates upwards of 600,000 have passed through Afghanistan's borders so far.

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