Fatah and Hamas, along with 12 other Palestinian factions, met in Beijing, China, to sign a "Unity Deal" amid ongoing conflict in Gaza. From left to right: Vice Chairman of Fatah Mahmoud al-Aloul, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and senior Hamas member Musa Abu Marzuk. CREDIT: Pedro Pardo / AFP.
Fatah and Hamas, along with 12 other Palestinian factions, met in Beijing, China, to sign a "Unity Deal" amid ongoing conflict in Gaza. From left to right: Vice Chairman of Fatah Mahmoud al-Aloul, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and senior Hamas member Musa Abu Marzuk. CREDIT: Pedro Pardo / AFP.

Hamas and Fatah End Rift in Beijing, But Will Compromise Endure?

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Several Palestinian factions, including Hamas and Fatah, have signed a "national unity" agreement in Beijing, demonstrating China's push as a mediator in a diplomatic area normally influenced by the United States. The agreement aims to end intra-Palestine divisions and establish a joint platform to govern post-war Gaza—although it will not end the current war in Gaza as the Israeli government has rejected any proposal featuring Hamas or the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority. The signing marked the conclusion of three days of reconciliation dialogue involving 14 different Palestinian groups.

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