Former Vice President of Ecuador, Jorge Glas. Glas was released by an Ecuadorian judge by the name of Emerson Curipallo. (Photo - Diario UChile)
Former Vice President of Ecuador, Jorge Glas. Glas was released by an Ecuadorian judge by the name of Emerson Curipallo. (Photo - Diario UChile)

Ecuador’s ‘Metastasis’ Case Exposes Deep Corruption

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Emerson Curipallo, an Ecuadorian judge who was responsible for the release of Jorge Glas and two trusted hitmen of Leandro Norero, a notorious drug lord and close ally to Los Lobos whose death kick-started an intense investigation into corruption within Ecuador's high government, was convicted for corruption on Tuesday. The judge was ultimately sentenced to 40 months in prison and was ordered to pay a total of $16,560 USD in reparations alongside $200,000 USD received as a bribe after taking a plea deal that significantly shortened the trial.

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