Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro (left) pictured with his Nicaraguan counterpart, Daniel Ortega.
Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro (left) pictured with his Nicaraguan counterpart, Daniel Ortega.(Photo - Pacific Standard)

Nicaraguan President Offers Fighters for Maduro's Regime

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega pledges military support to Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro
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Daniel Ortega, the socialist president of Nicaragua and supporter of Nicolas Maduro, offered his Venezuelan counterpart Sandinista fighters during a Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) summit on Tuesday. The armed fighters, if Venezuela allows their presence within the country, could play a vital role in the case of an all-out civil war within Venezuela. Tensions between Maduro's regime and the opposition continue to mount as the president continues his campaign of political repression against his detractors.

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