
Separatist Violence in India Spills Over to San Francisco

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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Three days ago, Indian authorities in Punjab launched a massive manhunt to arrest Waris Punjab De leader, Amritpal Singh. Authorities shut down internet and SMS for hundreds of thousands of citizens across Punjab, specifically in Nakodar, Jalandhar, and Mehatpur.

Roadblocks and check points were established as authorities attempted to contain people and information during the manhunt. By March 18th, authorities had arrested ten aides of Singh, by the end of the day more than 78 would be captured. Below is the Indian state’s announcement concerning the arrests:

Indian government officials then began a massive Information Operations campaign against Singh, claiming he was an agent of the Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence Agency and that the Khalistan movement was being financed by the Pakistani government. The Khalistan movement is a separatist idea calling for an independent state of Sikh people from India. By the end of March 19th, Indian authorities had claimed to have seized several weapons from various caches, including at the home of Singh in Jalandhar.

By March 20th, the number arrested rose to 114 including the uncle and bodyguards of Singh, but he had still not be found or detained.

However, by 1000 EST, Khalistan supporters in the United States began to rally against the Indian consulate in San Francisco and vandalized the property. The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs made this statement:

“In a meeting with the US Charge d’Affaires in New Delhi, India conveyed its strong protest at the vandalization of the property of the Consulate General of India, San Francisco.

The US Government was reminded of its basic obligation to protect and secure diplomatic representation. It was asked to take appropriate measures to prevent recurrence of such incidents.

Our Embassy in Washington D.C. also conveyed our concerns to the US State Department along similar lines.”

This message prompted U.S. National Security Adviser to make this statement:

As of this publication, Singh is still at large and internet, utilities, and SMS remain throttled if not shut down throughout Punjab.
