Zelensky Further Clarifies War Aims, Vows Recapture of Crimea

Zelensky Further Clarifies War Aims, Vows Recapture of Crimea

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Ukrainian President Zelensky has been very clear that he will not accept a "frozen conflict" in Ukraine, such as what happened after the 2014 Donbas Crisis, which resulted in the seizure of Crimea and the majority of the Ukrainian Navy. However, while he has repeated that he will not cede the four oblasts (Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Donestk, and Luhansk), he has left some strategic ambiguity on the issue of Crimea. While he has been cited privately and amongst foreign leaders as saying one of his goals is the recapture of Crimea, a Russian red-line, he rarely spoken decisively on the issue until now.

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