
Children Reportedly Killed, 30 Medically Evacuated Due to Tear Gas, Kangemi, Nairobi, Kenya

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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At 0123 EST today, protests had kicked off in central Nairobi denouncing the unpopular tax hikes by recently elected President Ruto. The hike in gasoline prices, after the courts stayed the administration’s tax increase proposals had led to tens of thousands of Kenyans taking to the streets throughout the country. However, perhaps the most tragic episode in the protests and police crackdowns has been the reported deaths of at least three school children and the medical evacuation of thirty others from the Kihumbuini Primary School in Nairobi.

At 0754 EST, the first reports began to emerge that police tear gas grenades were accidently lobbed either in the vicinity of or actually inside the school after protestors had thrown stones at the formation. Once the tear gas drifted into the confined spaces in the school, video began to emerge of multiple children on the ground convulsing.

Social media users claimed that they confirmed the deaths of three schoolchildren from suffocation caused by the tear gas.

American media such as Reuters has claimed in the last hour that Kenyan police claimed they had shot two protestors in Nairobi, however, casualty numbers from across the country have hit at least fifty. Tear gas, non-lethals, and live-rounds have been used against protestors in Mlolongo, Machakis, Kitengel, Kisumu, Kisii, Migori, Emali, and other cities.

