Saul Loeb/AFP
Saul Loeb/AFP

The Biggest Loser in the Debate? National Security.

There were a lot of weird things that happened in the debate, but meaningful discussion on each candidate’s national security policies was not one of them.
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Tuesday Night, the United States finally saw its two main presidential candidates meet for a debate to sway undecided voters and reassure their own camps of their reliability. While a plethora of different issues were on Americans' minds, Harris and Trump largely focused on three: immigration, economy, and abortion. Although the importance of these issues should not be understated, it's difficult to ignore the topics that received little or no airtime. Generally, with the exception of some talk on illegal migration (which resulted in neither candidate actually laying out a policy solution), key issues with implications for national security were largely ignored. The obvious question comes to mind. Why?

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