
Tag results for: Turkey

Rifts in Greek-Turkish Rapprochement: Part II

The Greek Prime Minister’s visit to Turkey’s capital, Ankara, on May 13 came four months after Erdogan’s visit to Athens last December, where both sides agreed to politically entrench the sustained calm over the Aegean in the Athens Declaration of Friendly Relations and Good Neighborliness. Ankara and Athens have sought to promote this engagement through bilateral dialogue which has been developing like a centrifugal spiral in which both sides...

President Erdogan Seizes Power to Declare State of War and Mobilization in Turkey

In a move that further entrenches Turkey’s post-2016 turn to authoritarianism, a new regulation signed by the Turkish President and published on Wednesday, May 22, has made Recep Tayyip Erdogan the man solely responsible for declaring a state of war and ordering national mobilization. According to the “Mobilization and State of War Regulation”, the President can unilaterally order a national mobilisation but still needs...


Recent Three Brotherhood Alliance Operation Reveals Myanmar Junta’s Diminished Combat Effectiveness

On July 25th, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) announced the capture of the city of Lashio, located in Shan State. The MNDAA, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and allied People’s Defense...

Naval Standoff in South Aegean Highlights the Fleeting Détente in Greek-Turkish Relations

The lasting impression of rapprochement between Greece and Turkey in their 50-year dispute over continental shelf delimitation and Turkey’s pursuit of strategic control of the Aegean has been fleeting, as Turkish warships were deployed within the Greek Exclusive Economic...

Houthis Warn of Impending Response to Israeli Strikes

Over the past 24 hours, there has been a notable uptick in messaging by the Houthis warning of an impending response to Israeli strikes that targeted the Yemeni port city of al-Hudaydah last week,...