
Iran Releases Spanish National Arrested for Attempting to Walk to 2022 Qatar World Cup

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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According to the Iranian embassy in Spain, Spanish national Santiago Sanchez Cogedor, who was arrested sometime in September 2022, has been released from Iranian prison.

The Spanish foreign Ministry confirmed to his family by October 2022 that he was not being held for any political or propaganda reasons. His last contact was through his travel blog on Instagram on October 1st, 2022 in which he was documenting his trek from Madrid to Qatar to make it to the 2022 World Cup in November. However, after crossing into Iran through a Northern Iraqi village, he was arrested.

He was arrested during a heightened security situation during the Mahsa Amini  backlash. Dozens of foreigners were arrested for taking part in the protests. However, Cogedor’s arrest did not seem to be involved with those protests. The Iranian government has still made no public statement on the arrest or release.
