Image of two China Coast Guard vessels spraying the PCG vessel, BRP Bacagay, from starboard and portside (Photo: Screenshot/Philippine Coast Guard)
Image of two China Coast Guard vessels spraying the PCG vessel, BRP Bacagay, from starboard and portside (Photo: Screenshot/Philippine Coast Guard)

Incident at Scarborough Shoal Indicates China Will Expand Use of Aggressive Tactics

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On April 30th, several China Coast Guard (CCG) and China Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels intercepted one Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) ship and one Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessel during their patrol near Scarborough Shoal (Bajo De Masinloc). The Philippine vessels' mission was to distribute food and fuel to the Philippine fishermen operating in and around the shoal. However, as the vessels neared the shoal, at least four CCG ships and six CMM vessels began to harass the BRP Bacagay and BRP Datu Bankaw.

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