
Two Rockets Fired From Gaza Intercepted by IDF

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced in a tweet that two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip and were then intercepted by air defenses. The launches come after Israeli troops carried out a raid on what some call a refugee camp in the city of Jenin which, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, killed 10 people and wounded 20 others. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, an armed militia affiliated with the Fatah political party, said one of their fighters were among the dead. This has lead many to speculate that today’s launches were in retaliation for the Jenin raid, but this has not yet been substantiated.

Update: The Palestinian Authority has suspended its security coordination with Israel after the Kenin raid. Israel claims 8 Islamic Jihad militants and 1 female non-combatant was killed in the raid. The IDF has “beefed up” their Iron Dome in case of more rocket attacks.
