
NATO Secretary-General Announces Plan to Protect Underwater Infrastructure

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg holds a news conference in Brussels, Belgium.

During a press conference on Monday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced that the alliance will work to better protect undersea pipelines and cables. The Secretary-General said in a statement, “We have seen that these undersea cables and pipelines are vulnerable and it’s important that we coordinate more of our efforts to protect the critical infrastructure.” He added that the organization, “has been working on this for many years and we are now taking it to the next level.” He went on to say that the alliance will establish a new agency to “map our vulnerabilities, and engage with industry, this will support our efforts to prevent and counter threats to critical infrastructure, including undersea cables and pipelines.” These statements come after explosions destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines in September of last year.
