
Iran Claims They Developed a Long Range Missile

An Iranian missile being launched during military exercises.

A top commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps has claimed that the Islamic Republic has developed a long-range cruise missile with a range of 1,650 km (1,025 miles.) Amirali Hajizadeh, the head of the Revolutionary Guards aerospace forces, said on an Iranian state media channel, “Our cruise missile with a range of 1,650 km has been added to the missile arsenal of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” Footage of the missile was shown during the broadcast.

Iran has accelerated their missile development over the last decade. Last year they claimed to have developed a hypersonic missile that is capable of “operating in and out of Earth’s atmosphere,” and “evading enemy missile defenses.” Iran says their missile program is purely a deterrent, despite their threats against former President Trump. The U.S. Department of Defense has shown skepticism over Iran’s hypersonic missile claim, but it is thought by many analysts that Russia may have transferred the technology to Iran.
