
Polish Ambassador to France Says Poland May Join Ukraine War

Polish ambassador to France, Jan Emeryk Rosciszewski, during a press conference.

to the Polish ambassador to France, Jan Emeryk Rosciszewski, Poland may end up joining the conflict in Ukraine. While speaking with French media outlet La Chaîne Info (LCI,) Rosciszewski said, “either Ukraine will successfully defend its independence, or we will be forced, in any case, to join this conflict. Otherwise, our principal values, which are the basis of our civilization and our culture, will be in fundamental danger, so we will have no choice.”

These statements by an official from a NATO member of course garnered a lot of attention in the international press. The Polish embassy released a statement clarifying what the ambassador meant saying, “Listening carefully to the entire conversation allows us to understand that there was no announcement of Poland’s direct involvement in the conflict, but only a warning against the consequences of Ukraine’s defeat – the possibility of Russia attacking or dragging into the war more Central European countries –  the Baltic states and Poland.” The embassy ensures the ambassador’s statement was just a “warning” and that Poland will continue to support Ukraine.
