
Zimbabwe Voting Delay Draws Accusations of “Voter Suppression”

A Summary of the Election:

Zimbabwe’s general election has had a large voter turnout. However, with reports of people having had to wait up to eight hours for ballot papers to arrive, the ruling President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, has been accused of voter suppression.

The BBC reports some voters in Harare not having even been able to find their polling stations. Harare is a stronghold of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), and the party also claims that intimidation tactics have been used against its supporters. There have also been last minute changes to voting boundaries, leaving some citizens unsure as to which polling station is theirs.

While the general election has been observed as largely peaceful, one CCC supporter was killed earlier this month in an event of political violence–the police are holding 15 suspects in relation to the case.

The election has been observed by the Southern African Development Community (SADC).
