
US Negotiating $47 Million Artillery Shell Sale With Greece For Ukraine

The United States has entered negotiations with the Greek government concerning military aid for Ukraine, with the US seeking to procure a total of 75 thousand artillery shells (50,000 105mm cal, 20,000 155 mm cal, 5,000 203 mm cal) from the Hellenic Armed Forces stockpile.  

The Greek Government set the price for the sale at $47 million, which would bring a welcome boost to the nation’s still-recovering economy which saw a contraction of 9% during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Speaking in September, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky noted that shell supplies from Western nations have slowed down but have not dried up, with the current negotiations a sign that the US has not stepped away from its commitment in Eastern Europe during the tumultuous period currently engulfing the Middle-East. Furthermore, Ukrainian MP Oleksandra Ustinova claimed Ukraine fires up to 6,000 shells per day, meaning the tranche would be expected to last just 12 and a half days. 

