
Kim Jong-Un to Improve Economy Through “10 Year Plan”

North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un announced a plan to improve living conditions, provide people with basic living necessities, and fix the “backward economy” during a Politburo meeting to review the “regional development 20×10 policy” on January 23rd and 24th.

Kim Jong-Un scolded his party staff on their roles during the meeting, according to KNCA, or the Korean Central News Agency. Comments included a failure to supply food, consumer goods, the gap in wealth, and necessities.

However, Kim also admitted that the overall economy is in a “terrible situation” and there is a severe wealth gap throughout the country. Lastly, he noted that past leadership has failed, including his father (Kim Jong Il) and grandfather (Kim Il Sung), to develop the country.

To remedy the situation, a “10-year plan” was brought up. One of the main goals in said plan was constructing factories in 20 counties per year, with 2 in each province. The Korean People’s Army (KPA) will lead construction until a new political party committee will take over the projects.




