
India Pitches Tejas Mk1A Aircraft to Philippine Air Force

The India company Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) recently entered into a partnership with the company Philippine Aerospace Development Corp. (PADC). The joint venture is part of India’s efforts to sell the Tejas MK1A jet aircraft equipped with the Brahmos Next Generation (NG) missile system to the Philippine Air Force in a maritime strike role.

The Tejas is a 4.5-generation multirole aircraft developed and produced by India for use in its Air Force and Navy. The Brahmos NG is an enhanced version of the Brahmos cruise missile that is based on the Russian P800 Oniks (NATO name: SS-N-26 Strobile).

The partnership comes as the Philippines obtains 40 multirole fighter aircraft with the Re-Horizon 3 plan, the nation’s approach to strengthening its armed forces to adequately defend its territorial integrity.

Through the partnership, India and the Philippines advance a relationship that proves beneficial in terms of economics, defense, and technology to both countries.
