
Chief of International Atomic Energy Agency will Visit the Fukushima Power Plant

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa made a statement today that the Chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, will travel to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant from March 12th to 14th.

This announcement comes six months after the release of treated radioactive water, and officials will discuss the Japanese government’s water release plan. There have been three so far, with a planned fourth release planned to occur on Wednesday. The IAEA has said that the releases are within international safety guidelines. Releasing all the treated wastewater will take thirty years and play a key part in decommissioning the plant.

The operator of the power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc., has been releasing water since the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster that damaged the facility.

China opposes the release, placing a ban on Japanese seafood imports in August 2023.


