
Mitch McConnell to Step Down as Senate GOP Lead

Senator Mitch McConnell has announced he will step down as the head of the GOP in the Senate, and it will take effect after the November election.

He has been in the role for eighteen years, making him the longest-serving Senate leader in history. His tenure has been multifaceted, having recently capped off a time when the Republican Party switched from his traditional NeoConservative worldview of an internationalist pro-business party to that of a more isolationist, pro-union populist party under former President Trump.

“One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter,” he stated in front of the Senate. “So I stand before you today… to say that this will be my last term as Republican leader of the Senate.”

Senator McConnell turned 82 last week and states he plans to finish his term, which ends in 2027, but not in a leadership position.
