
Secretary of the Navy Visited the Republic of Palau

Carlos Del Toro visited the Republic of Palau, a strategically important series of islands located in the Pacific, from February 29th to March 1st regarding expanding relations with the Compact of Free Association (COFA) state.

Del Toro met with President Surangel Whipps Jr. and U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Palau Joel Ehrendreich to discuss the relationship between the COFA state and the United States, focusing on defense purposes.

A thanks was given to Whipps Jr. for his support of the ongoing construction projects by the U.S. Navy Construction Battalion (Seabees) and the United States Marine Corps, such as the improved runway project in Peleliu by members of the USMC’s 7th Engineer Support Battalion.

The visit to Palau concluded a three-part trip in the Indo-Pacific region by Del Toro, who also visited South Korea and Japan in the first and second legs of the trip. Traveling to these nations also aided Del Toro’s efforts to further maritime statecraft efforts to restart America’s maritime capabilities.


