
Japanese Prime Minister Will Address U.S. Congress in April

During an upcoming trip to the United States, Japanese Prime Minister (PM) Fumio Kishida will address a joint session of the U.S. Congress on April 11th.

House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson described the visit as symbolizing “both nations’ commitment to peace and prosperity and to an international community that promotes democracy, security, and stability.” He added, “Now more than ever, we must speak out against tyranny and continue our pursuit of freedom and democracy worldwide. I am pleased to join my colleagues in extending this invitation.”

Kishida will be the first Japanese PM to address Congress in nine years. He will also speak with President Joe Biden and attend a state dinner during the trip.

With the increase in Chinese activity and further development in North Korean nuclear technology, Kishida plans to bolster the well-established relationship between the United States and Japan by expanding economic, technological, and defense ties and also working with South Korea as like-minded partners.
