
Venezuela Reaffirmed Its Support for Nicaragua’s President Ortega in Response to New U.S. Sanctions

Nicolás Maduro’s government reaffirmed its support for Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega in response to new U.S. sanctions, which limit the import and export of American defense articles and services to and from Nicaragua.

Venezuela expressed “unrestricted” solidarity and support for the people and government of Nicaragua, praising Ortega for his resistance and defense of sovereignty. Caracas also condemned the U.S.’s “new interventionist onslaught” aimed at Nicaragua’s ability to ensure national security and stability.

The Biden administration justified the imposition of these sanctions as a stand against what it describes as “brutal repression” by the Ortega regime, advocating for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Nicaraguan people.

Nicaragua has been experiencing a political and social crisis since April 2018, exacerbated by controversial general elections on November 7, 2021, where Ortega was reelected for a fifth term (fourth consecutive), with his main opponents imprisoned or in exile.
