
EU Imposes Sanctions Following Alexei Navalny’s Death: Targets Include Officials and Penal Institutions

Following the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the European Union announced sanctions against 33 individuals and two penal institutions, identified as Penal Colonies Number 6 and Number 3, which are implicated in Navalny’s detention and subsequent death.

The sanctions, framed within the European Union’s Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime, aim to hold accountable those directly involved in Navalny’s imprisonment and the conditions leading to his demise. High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, highlighted the action as a response to the Kremlin’s disregard for human life, emphasizing the EU’s resolve to support civil society and independent voices within Russia.

Among the sanctioned are Vadim Kalinin (head of Penal Colony Number 3), members of the judiciary who sentenced Navalny, officials in the penitentiary system, and the Ministry of Justice, responsible for executing sentences or failing to protect human rights.

The details of these sanctions, which encompass asset freezes, travel bans, and restrictions on providing or receiving economic resources, have been officially published in the Official Journal of the EU.
