
U.S. and South Korea Form Task Force to Block North Korean Nuclear Program

South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said officials from South Korea and the United States created a task force to bar North Korean missile and nuclear programs on Wednesday, March 27th.

The initial meeting was held in Washington D.C., yesterday, March 26th, with over thirty officials working in intelligence, diplomacy, and maritime interdiction.

The group discussed methods to prevent North Korea from obtaining refined petroleum, violating United Nations Security Council mandates that prohibit North Korea from procuring 500,000 lbs of oil per year.

Both nations’ officials agreed to sanction companies and individuals who smuggle oil into North Korea. Action to disrupt North Korea’s attempts to get refined oil, such as exposing illicit activities, reviewing sanction options, and questioning those who knowingly or unknowingly provide oil to North Korea.

A report published Thursday (local South Korean time) claimed North Korean tankers delivered more than 1,523,381 barrels of oil from January 1st to September 15, 2023.
