
Protests Erupted in Hungary Amid Accusations of Government Corruption

In Hungary, thousands have protested on March 26, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán following the release of an audio recording by Péter Magyar. This recording implicates government officials in corrupt practices, including his ex-wife, Judit Varga, who served as the Minister of Justice at the time of the accusations.

Magyar, a former member of Orbán’s Fidesz party, has faced challenges from Varga, who disputes the allegations made in the recording, stating that it was recorded under coercion from Magyar. On their side, the government has dismissed the recording’s relevance, attributing it to a private marital dispute.

Despite this, Magyar insists on the recording’s authenticity, claiming he has more evidence. He also launched his party, “Stand Up, Hungary!” on March 15, advocating for the reinstatement of the Ministry of Education, media independence, and adherence to European judicial standards.
