
Ruling Nepalese Political Alliance Agrees on Allocation of Chief Minister Positions

The political alliance that makes up the current Nepalese government agreed on the plan to allocate the Chief Minister positions for the seven provinces that make up the government.

The alliance, the Communist Party of Nepal Maoist Center (CPN-MC), the Communist Party of Nepal Unified Marxist-Leninist (CPN-UML), the Communist Party of Nepal Unified Socialist (CPN-US), and the Janata Samajbadi Party (JSP), held the meeting on April 1st in the capital city of Katmandu. Specifically, the Prime Minister and CPN MC Chairman KP Sharma Oli, CPN-UML Upendra Yadav, CPN-US Mahav Nepal, and Health Minister and JSP Chairman attended the meeting.

The CPN-MC will appoint chief ministers in Bagmati and Lumbini provinces, and the CPN-UML will appoint ministers in Gandaki, Karnali, and Koshi provinces. The CPN-US and Nagarik Unmukti Party will jointly lead the government in Sudurpaschim province, and the JSP will lead the government in Madhes province.
