
Former Cambodian Prime Minister Appointed President of Senate

The Royal Cambodian Senate voted unanimously to appoint former Prime Minister Hun Sen as the President of the Senate on April 3rd. The vote occurred after Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni convened the 5th legislative session.

Sen addressed the session, saying that he accepted the “highest responsibility, aware of the crucial importance of our institution in the functioning of our young democracy and in the preservation of the fundamental values of our society.”

He also said that he gave “his deepest gratitude to all senators of the 5th Legislature for the honour and trust they have placed in him by electing him as President of the Senate.” Sen also expressed his deep gratitude to the National Assembly members, Commune, and Sangkat councilors in the eight regions that voted for the Cambodian People’s Party in the February legislative elections.

Sen confirmed their commitment to respect Cambodia’s Constitution, protect the Monarchy, assist in the development of the country, and ensure the people’s well-being.
