
Rebel Group Executes Village Head in West Papua Region of Indonesia

Fighters from the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) executed a village chief over allegations that he was a member of a political committee and an informant for the Indonesian military and national police.

The incident occurred on April 9th in the West Papua region, located in eastern Indonesia.

Images of the fighters posing with the village head and a letter from the TPNPB-OPM claiming the attack as well as providing details about the allegations appeared on social media.

The individuals are armed with an unspecified AR-15 rifle type and a Pindad SS1-V1 rifle.

Image of two West Papua National Liberation Army fighters posing with the body of executed village head (R) and West Papua National Liberation Army letter left at the scene of execution (Photo: X/@war_noir)