
Taiwanese Court Overturn Convictions Against Individuals Charged with Espionage

On April 9th, the Taiwan High Court overturned a previous ruling that found a Navy vice admiral guilty of forming a spy ring for China. Prosecutors charged a vice admiral and former Taiwan Solidarity Union legislator with breaking the National Security Act by recruiting several dozen retired military officers to collect intelligence on the behind of China.

The trial resulted in Lo being found not guilty, while the vice admiral was sentenced to five months in prison last year. Prosecutors appealed the district court’s ruling, and the High Court ruled that both men were not guilty of the charges.

Specifically, the judge said that the various trips the retired military officers went on were not targeted towards them and there was no evidence that indicated they interacted with Chinese military officers or government and party officials.

However, the High Court said that prosecutors can appeal the not guilty verdicts, but the office did not say they would submit an appeal.
