
Orbán’s Visit to Bosnia: Pledges for EU Integration and Meetings with Milorad Dodik

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has pledged support for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU membership bid during Hungary’s upcoming presidency of the European Council in July. He emphasized the inclusion of the Western Balkans as a strategy to bolster the economy and tackle illegal immigration. This commitment follows the EU states’ decision to initiate accession talks with Bosnia, a move supported by 37% of Europeans.

During his recent visit to Bosnia, Orbán met with Bosnian Prime Minister Borjana Kristo to discuss EU integration and ways to enhance bilateral ties.

Additionally, Orbán met with Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska, a Serb-majority entity within Bosnia. He was awarded the Order of the Republika Srpska, the entity’s highest honor, which was also given to Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2023. This award comes amid warnings from U.S. intelligence about potential interethnic violence in the region, exacerbated by figures like Dodik, who challenges the legitimacy of the High Representative for Bosnia and advocates for the independence of Republika Srpska.

Orbán has expressed opposition to foreign influence in Bosnia while criticizing the EU for neglecting the Serbs’ role in European stability.

For a deeper understanding of Bosnia’s dynamics and politics, explore our detailed article here.
