
Minnesota Changes State Flag

Minnesota replaced the current flag, last revised in 1983, with an updated design, which will go into effect on Saturday, May 11th. 

The reason for the new design is “twofold,” according to state officials. The previous flag depicted a white settler working on land while a Native American sat on horseback in the background. 

Indigenous members of the State Emblem Redesign Commission said the previous design was “harmful” and promoted the “erasure” of their communities from the land. The new design was voted on December 12th, 2023, by the State Emblem Redesign Commission. 

The new design must “accurately and respectfully reflect Minnesota’s shared history, resources, and diverse cultural communities,” according to the state’s statute. 

The North American Vexillology Association criticized the new design, claiming it violated the standards of what makes a “good flag design,” noting no lettering or seals.

New design of Minnesota’s flag. Source: Minnesota Historical Society.