
South Korea Claims North Korean Threats Undermine Peninsula Stability

South Korea claims North Korean nuclear and missile threats undermine regional peace and stability after Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov denounced joint South Korean drills with Japan and the United States on Thursday, May 23rd.

At a Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting on Monday, May 20th, Lavrov claimed that the United States and its allies are “aggravating the security situation in the Asia-Pacific with their provocative actions.”

Lavrov also added North Korean concern over the joint drill, adding that the situation is in a “hot phase.”

During a briefing, South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lim Soo-suk responded to Lavrov’s claims. He stated, “North Korea’s illegal nuclear and missile development and provocations in violation of U.N. sanctions are what threaten regional peace and security.

Soo-suk also added that the drills South Korea conducts are for the protection of South Korean citizens.
