
Anarchist Artsakh and The Armenian Revolutionary Movement Vow to “Destroy The Azerbaijani Traitors Without Questioning” in New Publications

In light of the Azerbaijani ‘anti-terror’ operation underway in Nagorno-Karabakh, two groups, Anarchist Artsakh and The Armenian Revolutionary Movement have pledged to fight for their freedom. 

With Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan affirming today that the nation will not go to war with Azerbaijan over the region, many residents have taken to the capital Yerevan, to express their grave disappointment in the lack of action from their leaders. 

Pashinyan has acknowledged that Baku is attempting to “ethnically cleanse the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh” and thus, some residents, such as the aforementioned groups have taken it upon themselves to protect their homes and livelihoods. 

In a series of posts released on Telegram by the groups, Anarchist Artsakh stated, “I was born to fight. Fight against evil. Fight against fascism. Fight for freedom. Fight for the truth.

I do not need any wealth or pleasures. I want to see a world without violence, without oppression and exploitation. Of course, these phenomena cannot be completely destroyed. But minimizing their damage is quite possible.

My people are now – at a time when you may be sitting peacefully at home (may you always have peace) – fighting for their existence. Literally. For the umpteenth time after the arrival of another rocket, I hear children’s screams and desperate crying. And I don’t intend to sit in basements and look at all this. I was born, I was born for something completely different. My calling is to crush evil. And now I and my comrades are preparing for this. Love each other, comrades. Love this life. She’s beautiful. Don’t do evil. It boomerangs back.” 

Conversely, in a more aggressive tone highlighting the desperation of the situation, The Armenian Revolutionary Movement announced, “Dear residents of Artsakh! It is very possible that you will meet enemy soldiers in the territory of the Republic of Artsakh. In that case, destroy them immediately. And preferably in the cruellest and at the same time effective way. How to kill enemy soldiers brutally and efficiently, message me at [redacted] and I’ll tell you. Also ruthlessly destroy the traitors without questioning.

Our goal is to show the enemy that a cruel death awaits him in Artsakh. And in that case, the enemy will start to fear. And fear is one of the main reasons for losing the war. I will soon publish an article about guerrilla warfare. Get acquainted.” 

With events on the ground still unfolding, more updates will follow. 

Bianca Bridger
Bianca Bridger
Bianca holds a degree in Political Science from the University of Otago, New Zealand. As the Africa Desk Chief for Atlas, her expertise spans conflict, politics, and history. She is also the Editor for The ModernInsurgent and has interests in yoga and meditation.


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