
Tag results for: North America

Boeing Whistleblower Exits After Decade-Long Quality Control Fight

Senior Boeing engineer and whistleblower Martin Bickeböller is set to leave the company after a decade of raising concerns over Boeing's oversight of supplier manufacturing. Bickeböller, who has been with Boeing for 37 years, has documented significant shortcomings in Boeing’s quality control management at suppliers responsible for major sections of the 787 Dreamliner. His complaints were filed internally and...

Last-Minute Glitch Halts Boeing’s Starliner Astronaut Launch

Boeing's latest attempt to send astronauts into space faced a setback due to a last-minute issue. Two NASA astronauts were secured in the Starliner capsule when the countdown was stopped at three minutes and 50 seconds by the computer system overseeing the final moments before liftoff. With insufficient time to diagnose the problem, the launch was aborted. Launch controllers are...


Naval Standoff in South Aegean Highlights the Fleeting Détente in Greek-Turkish Relations

The lasting impression of rapprochement between Greece and Turkey in their 50-year dispute over continental shelf delimitation and Turkey’s pursuit of strategic control of the Aegean has been fleeting, as Turkish warships were deployed within the Greek Exclusive Economic...

Houthis Warn of Impending Response to Israeli Strikes

Over the past 24 hours, there has been a notable uptick in messaging by the Houthis warning of an impending response to Israeli strikes that targeted the Yemeni port city of al-Hudaydah last week,...

Ecuador’s ‘Metastasis’ Case Exposes Deep Corruption

Emerson Curipallo, an Ecuadorian judge who was responsible for the release of Jorge Glas and two trusted hitmen of Leandro Norero, a notorious drug lord and close ally to Los Lobos whose death kick-started...