
Formal End of the Korean War

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has reported that #NorthKorea#SouthKorea#China, and the #UnitedStates have all agreed “in principle” to formally end the Korean War, however, they “are not able to sit down for a negotiation on the declarations” due to the DPRK’s demands that there be no #American presence in South Korea. The ultimate goal for Moon is to fully denuclearize the north and unify #Korea. There has been skepticism about the announcement and whether or not anything of substance will come of it as previous past attempts have all stalled or failed, such as the 2018 Panmunjom Declaration (above) and the 2019 denuclearization summit with the US. #AtlasNewsUpdateSouthKorea

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has reported that #NorthKorea#SouthKorea#China, and the #UnitedStates have all agreed “in principle” to formally end the Korean War, however, they “are not able to sit down for a negotiation on the declarations” due to the DPRK’s demands that there be no #American presence in South Korea. The ultimate goal for Moon is to fully denuclearize the north and unify #Korea. There has been skepticism about the announcement and whether or not anything of substance will come of it as previous past attempts have all stalled or failed, such as the 2018 Panmunjom Declaration (above) and the 2019 denuclearization summit with the US. #AtlasNewsUpdateSouthKorea

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has reported that #NorthKorea#SouthKorea#China, and the #UnitedStates have all agreed “in principle” to formally end the Korean War, however, they “are not able to sit down for a negotiation on the declarations” due to the DPRK’s demands that there be no #American presence in South Korea. The ultimate goal for Moon is to fully denuclearize the north and unify #Korea. There has been skepticism about the announcement and whether or not anything of substance will come of it as previous past attempts have all stalled or failed, such as the 2018 Panmunjom Declaration (above) and the 2019 denuclearization summit with the US. #AtlasNewsUpdateSouthKorea

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