
“Siege” of American Embassy in Baghdad Imminent

Dozens of pro-Iranian militant groups have either called for or spread the call for mass protests and a “siege” against the U.S. embassy in Baghdad on July 14th at 1700L. These announcements began at 1433 EST today and have been picking up speed since. The announcement from Ashab al-Kahf read:

“The honorable Iraqi resistance groups announce their intention to besiege the den of Satan, the American embassy in Baghdad, and the invitation is general and for everyone who wants to attend, and all the logistical equipment is ready from the sons of the resistance factions. Where are the sons of the engineer and Soleimani? Arise, let’s demolish the den of Satan, this is your day, get ready on Friday, the earth will shake under the feet of the occupier, like the storming of the martyrs of Al-Qaim, in the name of the Lord of martyrs.”

The announcement continues:

“In rejection of the interventions of the ambassador of the state of the Great Satan, which exceeded its limit and crossed the boundaries of diplomacy to interfere in the joints of state institutions and ministries and impose perversion, gender, etc. A call to all free people who reject the existence of the occupation and its dominion over the necks of Iraqis, we invite you to come down and participate in a protest on Friday, 7/14/2023 at five in the afternoon The gathering will be near the Al-Tawqabin Bridge in Al-Jadriya, and later go to the suspension bridge opposite the American occupation embassy building.”

The group also criticized the Coordination Framework, the prominent Shiite counterpart to the Sadrist Movement after the 2021 elections which aligned with Iran-backed proxies, for not making the calls themselves. The group and those repeating the calls seem to be motivated by the perceived interference of U.S. diplomats in the flow of energy exports from Iran to Iraq.

Ashab al-Kahf also claimed that several groups have organized transportation and other logistics to transport large numbers of protestors into Baghdad.

There has been no comment from the U.S. or Iraqi government officials. This is developing.



United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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