
Tsunami Waves Impacting Western Japan After 7.4 Earthqauke

Update (0338 EST): Tsunami waves have struck Noto, impacting residential buildings.

Update (0331 EST): A 5 meter tsunami surge is expected to impact Noto momentarily. Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi just made this announcement: “A tsunami of around 5 meters is expected.Every moment counts, so please immediately move to a safe place such as a hill or a tsunami evacuation building. Please evacuate.

Update (0325 EST): Tsunami waves have been spotted impacting Joetsu, Niigata, Japan.

Update (0308 EST): Eyewitnesses are reporting that evacuation routes to higher ground have been cut off by road closures and landslides as the tsunami waves pound the shore.

Update (0305 EST): The tsunami surge has made landfall and is currently ravaging residential buildings in Noto, Ishikawa, Japan.

As this publication reported in the last 30 minutes, evacuation orders and tsunami warnings have been issued for wide swaths of coastal Western Japan. The first tsunami has been reported off the coast of Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture and Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture. Surge has not made landfall as of this publication, but heavy tidal recession is observed.

This is developing.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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