
al-Shabaab Reportedly Captures Somali Military Base, Hawadley, Middle Shabelle

Initial reports are still coming in, however, local media is reporting that al-Shabaab has launched a complex attack on a Somali military base in Hawadley, Middle Shabelle. A vehicle borne IED initiated the attack followed by armed gunmen storming the outpost. This information is only coming through pro-Shabaab channels at the moment and needs to be verified.

Pro-Shabaab outlets are also claiming that a Somali Army General was killed in the attack, though they neglect to name him.


This comes one day after Somali forces took the port town of Harardhere and the nearby town of Galcad, Defence Minister Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur said in a broadcast on state-owned television this morning.

Harardhere was a major base for pirates hijacking merchant ships until 2011. It was later taken over by al-Shabab, which first rose up against the government in 2007 before pledging its allegiance to al-Qaeda.
