
UN urges « Maximum Restraint » as Threat of War Between Rwanda and DRC Looms

The UN’s special envoy to the Great Lakes region of Africa, Huang Xia, has urged Rwanda and DRC to « exercise maximum restraint » as tensions between the two nations continue to soar. Rwanda alleges that on January 24th a DRC jet violated Rwandan airspace, which prompted Rwanda to fire at the jet.

This latest incident is one of many escalations between the two nations. Relations between them have never been great, but have become increasingly strained since the M23 rebel group, which DRC accuses Rwanda of supporting, began an offensive last year. The threat of war grows as some DRC politicians over the past number of months have called for war with Rwanda, meanwhile Rwanda says while they do not want war they will not hesitate to « protect our sovereignty ».

Huang Xia urged the two nations to continue to commit to the peace processes built in Nairobi and Luanda, which Rwanda accuses DRC of abandoning.
