
8 Civilians Killed by UN in the DRC

8 civilians have been killed and 28 wounded after a UN convoy was attacked on the evening of February 7th. Four of their trucks were set on fire after returning from a supply mission just north of Goma, DRC. In response, the peacekeepers « fired warning shots », which « unfortunately caused the death of eight of our compatriots among the displaced and 28 wounded » said DRC Lieutenant-General Constant Ndima.

MONUSCO has been growing increasingly unpopular as of late. They have been in the country for over 20 years, and residents accuse them of being unable to stop the violence that plagues the DRC’s east, despite their over 1 billion dollar budget and their over 16,000 peacekeepers. This incident is likely to be another drop in a very large and overflowing bucket of problems faced by MONUSCO.
