
Rwanda Border Outpost Attacked

Rwanda has accused the DRC of launching a small attack on one of their border outposts in the Rusizi district. They claim approximately 12-14 soldiers entered the no mans land between the two nations at around 4:30AM the morning of February 15th, and fired upon Rwanda’s border outpost. Rwanda says they took no casualties, and the DRC troops « withdrew » after Rwanda « responded ». The full report can be read below.

If the claims are verified/investigated, as Rwanda has requested, this would not be the first time an incident like this has occurred in recent times. On November 19, 2022, a single DRC soldier rushed and attacked a Rwandan border post before being shot and killed.

The UN recently urged both the DRC and Rwanda to exercise « maximum restraint » as the threat of war between the two looms ever higher.

The official RDF release concerning the incident.

