
Taliban say 80,000 Drug Addicts Rounded Up Across Afghanistan

The Taliban’s Interior Ministry has reported that over the past year and a half, over 80,000 drug addicts have been collected around the country and sent to drug treatment centers for a 45 day mandatory rehabilitation.

Since the Taliban took over the country, the group has sought to ban opium cultivation and drug manufacturing acrossAfghanistan as millions struggle with addiction to drugs such as opioids and morphine. Spokesman Abdul Nafee Takkur also added that “in the anti-narcotics operation, about 5,000 people have been arrested on the charge of drug trafficking and nearly 200 drug factories have been destroyed.”

The tactic of collecting drug addicts has come under scrutiny, as those taken are done so against their will while facing beatings, lack of proper medical treatment, and prison-like conditions at the treatment centers.
