
Investigations Begin after Another Shooting at Rwanda’s Border

Rwanda has once again accused a soldier of the DRC of firing upon their border. They claim at 5:45PM Local time on Friday March 3rd that a soldier crossed the border in the Rubavu district, and began firing upon Rwandan soldiers. Rwandan troops returned fire and killed the soldier, however the return of fire prompted DRC soldiers still on the DRC side of the border to in turn fire at the Rwandans. A brief exchange of fire ensued, with no further casualties.


The official RDF release concerning the incident

The Following day, Saturday March 4th, investigators from the Expanded Joint Verification Mechanism (EJVM) of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) arrived. The EJVM was launched in 2012 to investigate incidents like this, and arrived at Rwandas request.

EJVM investigators in the area of the incident.

