
Shelling on the Armenia-Azerbaijan Border

The ceasefire between Armenia and Azerbaijan was once again violated today, this time with a series of shellings. As per usual, Armenia and Azerbaijan have conflicting stories on the matter.

“On March 9, at around 5:50 p.m., the units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire from different caliber firearms towards the Armenian combat positions located in the direction of Verin Shorzha.
There are no casualties from the Armenian side.
As of 8:00 p.m., the situation on the frontline is relatively stable.” – Armenian MoD Release

Notably, Armenia’s release does not state whether or not they fired back.

Azerbaijan’s release states that the Armenian side fired first, which prompted them to respond. They accuse Armenia of attempting to create a false narrative in the presence of the EU Civilian Observation Mission presently operating in Armenia’s borders.

“Starting from 21:30 on March 8 to 04:15 on March 9, the Azerbaijan Army positions stationed on the Azerbaijani-Armenian conditional border and in the Karabakh economic region were subjected to fire 23 times… …Moreover, members of illegal Armenian armed detachments in the territory of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeeping forces are temporarily deployed, subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions stationed in the directions of the Khojavend, Lachin, Khojaly regions and the city of Shusha.
Adequate retaliatory measures have been taken by Azerbaijan Army Units in all the mentioned directions.
By systematical shelling the Azerbaijan Army positions, the Armenian armed forces are provoking the Azerbaijan Army to fire back, thereby trying to form a false opinion among the representatives of the European Union civilian mission operating on the conditional border, as well as to establish fake tension in the region.” -Azeri MoD Release
