
Italy Confirms NATO Peacekeepers Injured

As this publication reported earlier today, protests in Zvecan, North Kosovo turned violent as ethnic Serbs attempted to seize the municipal buildings after an ethnic Albanian was elected, as a result of a Serb boycott of the election.

The Italian government has confirmed eleven of its troops in the NATO KFOR mission were wounded by stun grenades and other projectiles thrown at the line.

In addition to these Italian service members, 30 other peacekeepers and at least fifty protestors were injured when local police and KFOR personnel fired non-lethal rounds, tear gas, and pepper spray into the crowd.

No word yet on the nationalities of the other injured service members. However, a large contingent of American soldiers were pictured at the barricades.

NATO made this statement:

“NATO strongly condemns the unprovoked attacks against KFOR troops in northern Kosovo, which have led to a number of them being injured. Such attacks are totally unacceptable. Violence must stop immediately. We call on all sides to refrain from actions that further inflame tensions, and to engage in dialogue. KFOR will take all necessary actions to maintain a safe and secure environment, and continue to act impartially, in accordance with its mandate under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999.”


