
Lions Den Announces 3 Fighters Killed, “Very Important Announcement” Coming Friday

The Palestinian Militant Group the Lions Den has released two separate statements, one of which states three of their fighters were killed in clashes with the IDF this morning.

The Lions Den digital media release showing the fighters killed.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

“And do not think of those who were killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.”

With more pride, honor, reverence, and admiration, the Lions’ Den Groups exalt the Den’s unknown soldiers:

– Their martyr fighter, Saad Maher Al-Kharraz

– Their martyr fighter, Muntasir Bahjat Salameh

– Their martyr fighter, Nour Al-Din Taysir Al-Arida

Who ascended this morning, Tuesday 25/7/2023, after an armed clash with the treacherous zionist forces in “Mount Gerizim” (Jabal Al-Tur).

We will see who will besiege whom.

In a separate release shortly after, the Lions Den stated that they have a “very important statement” that will be released at “exactly 2100 hours” next Friday.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

“Do not hasten against them; We are counting out to them a [limited] number [of days].”

That is the Truth of Allah Almighty.


A very important statement will be releasing next Friday evening at exactly 2100 hours.

Your brothers, the Lions’ Den Groups.

A secondary brief will follow upon the Lions Den release of the “very important statement”.
