
Kenya Offers to Head Multi-National Force to Haiti

As the situation in Haiti continues to worsen, Kenya seeks to answer the call for foreign deployment to Haiti. Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry has been calling for an international, non-UN deployment to Haiti in order to combat the rampant gangs that plague the nation.

On Saturday evening, Kenya’s Foreign Minister Alfred Mutua stated that “Kenya has accepted to positively consider leading a Multi-National Force to Haiti”, further adding that “Kenya’s commitment is to deploy a contingent of 1,000 police officers to help train and assist Haitian police restore normalcy in the country and protect strategic installations”.

Kenya’s 1000 man deployment still faces two primary barriers before it can happen.

Firstly, they need to seek a mandate from the UN Security Council, regardless if the deployment is UN based or not.

Secondly, the deployment is still missing approval from Kenya’s domestic institutions.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has held two separate calls with Kenyan President William Ruto pertaining to the deployment, one on Friday and one Saturday, though it is unknown what specifically was discussed, with the secretary’s statement just saying “Additionally, the Secretary and President Ruto discussed Kenya’s positive consideration of leading a multinational force in Haiti”.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is expected to deliver to the UN security council by mid-August a report detailing all options for dealing with the crisis, including that of a UN deployment.
